Thank a veteran: America is the”Home of the FREE, because of the BRAVE.”
Veteran – Person who has served and is no longer serving in armed forces. Military veterans that have served directly in armed conflict in war are further defined as war veterans. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/veteran
Freedom – The quality or state of being free such as: free from coercion, constraint in choice or action, slavery, restraint, or power of another; a political right… https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/freedom
Brave – having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty; having or showing courage. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/brave
Where would we be without our military and war veterans? How many of us take it for granted? Too many, I believe. If it wasn’t for men and women putting their lives at stake would we have freedom of speech; would we be able to walk around this nation without armed guards walking the streets; would we have the right to choose our religion…?
Any day, but especially November 11, thank a veteran. My dad was a Korean War veteran, my uncles served in the United States Navy; all served during war and non-war periods. It doesn’t matter when people serve or served; I’ll admit I couldn’t do it, but I thank God there are people who have the courage to keep us safe and free. #ThankAVeteran
Until next time,
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