An entrepreneur’s accountability mindset is important in order for the business to succeed. The entrepreneur realizes and accepts the responsibility to take the necessary action steps for a thriving business. These action steps include figuring out our their why, planning and implementing, and finding support. So how does accountability fit into all of this and why does it matter.
Developing an Entrepreneurs’s Accountability Mindset for Success
Entrepreneurs who hold themselves accountable are known as a leading entrepreneur rather than average entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs with this mindset take responsibility for their actions and mistakes rather than placing the blame on others. Below are three actions entrepreneurs can take to develop an this mindset for their business and life:
- Figure out WHY you’re in business. In a previous blog, I went into further detail on how to figure out your WHY so you’re motivated to keep moving forward no matter what. Discovering your purpose brings about excitement in how you live your life and it’s easier to hold yourself accountable.
- Plan and implement. It’s great to plan your day, week, month, and year, but taking action on the plan so goals happen determines whether or not success is in your reach. Makes SMART goals:
- Specific: Launch book
- Measurable: Sell 50 books at launch
- Attainable: Make your measurable goal realistic
- Relevant: Market to your ideal audience
- Timely: Launch date – set a deadline for the goal
- Seek support. All entrepreneurs who are serious about making money and moving their business forward hire a coach and find support groups of like-minded people to hold them accountable for their actions. When I rebranded my business after 18 years, I couldn’t afford to have a business coach, but I also knew I couldn’t afford not to have a coach. Justin Sachs wrote a blog in Forbes entitled, “The Secret To Every Entrepreneur’s Success: Accountability” and discusses one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs have in achieving their business goals is holding themselves accountable.
Why Does It Matter?
As entrepreneurs, if we don’t hold ourselves accountable how can we expect to have the success we want. People with accountability mindsets take responsibility for their actions in life and business. If Plan A doesn’t work, they figure out why and move forward. If a deadline is set for a project they do anything and everything to finish in the allotted time; no excuses.
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