Our #TuesdayTip this week is to create a social media strategy for success. What does social media success mean for you? Success means many different things to each individual. What’s important to remember is to outline key metrics to measure success. Followers, reach, website visits, and sales are four metrics most authors should focus on with their social media strategy. What’s important is you should find what your success means and how you can reach success through social media.
What Does Social Media Success Mean to You?
First, sit down and clearly define what success means for you. Like I said above, there are a number of things to consider when you are defining success and each social media site might have different levels of success. We recently read, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” and one of the best lessons to take away from the book is your content for each social media site needs to be native to that site. Some social media sites lend themselves to be better at growing your audience while others might lead to more sales. Be sure you understand these differences so you do not put the wrong strategy for success on the wrong site.
Creating Your Social Media Plan
Once you have a clear understanding of what your goals are for your social media, you can create a plan to meet those goals. How do you effectively reach your goals? Well, social media is a little bit strategy, a little artwork, and a little science all at once. I suggest taking time to read up on marketing; there are many great books and websites to learn the basics.
Another lesson from “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” was you need to connect with your audience through constant social media outreach. Find the topics your audience connects with and use those topics to enhance your conversation with your audience. How do you know what interests your audience? This is where your ideal audience research comes into play. You can also simply ask people who follow you what they enjoy.
Finding what works might not happen immediately. You might need to do some experimenting. Even when you find the perfect formula, it’s critical for you need to stay active with your community. You do not want to become complacent as the social media landscape is ever changing. Keep your finger on the pulse of your community and stay engaged.
Making The Sale
When you have a social media following you can then begin making offers for a sale. Sometimes the sale is not an actual money item. In today’s world, a sale is anything the consumer receives from you. It could be a complementary download, a Facebook group, or a webinar. While these may not seem like sales, if you cultivate a relationship with your audience they will turn into paying customers sooner rather than later.
How do you use social media to cultivate relationships with your audience?
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