Belonging to Professional Affiliations/Groups is a huge catalyst for Colleen and Peter in achieving much of the success in their business. Notwithstanding the ongoing opportunity for business contacts, continuing education, and referrals, the “genuine” relationships and support from like-minded entrepreneurs is worth more than anything else!
Peri10K Online MasterMind
Peri10K is an invite-only, application-only exclusive community for fascinating entrepreneurs from 10+ countries. Members of Peri10K have missions bigger than themselves.
It is an extraordinary MasterMind of changemakers and visionaries who are driven by epic ideas to change the World – authors, speakers, experts, CEOs, entrepreneurs, etc.
I participate in #Shareathons several times a week. They are LIVEstream shows, online, which take place on Periscope and Facebook. Peri10k speakers around the World share their insights and expertise. Daily.
I’m loving this group; the members I’ve interacted with (and they are many) are genuine people who have integrity and a gift for sharing.
Cincinnati Bloggers
Cincinnati Bloggers is a local meetup where like-minded bloggers, new and seasoned come together once and sometimes twice a month to network, share, and learn all about blogging. I am Featured Author and share blogs about business, writing, editing, and publishing books and soon I’ll begin sharing blogs on my personal blog as well – it’ll be about all things food – home recipes, restaurant critiques, breweries, and much more!
Giving Back!
The Literacy Network of Cincinnati champions the development of literacy in the individual, the family, the workplace, the school and the community by raising awareness, improving access, and serving as a catalyst for literacy efforts. For the past three years, I have tutored grade school children in reading and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
Relay for Life – almost every family or someone you know has dealt with losing a friend or a family member to cancer. My father, mother, and brother have had cancer; my dear friends have had cancer – some are lucky survivors and others have lost their battle. Relay for Life is my give back – we relay so that one day a friend or loved one won’t have to hear the words, “You have cancer.”
I’ve been involved with Relay for Life since the late 1990s; I’ve chaired committees and co-chaired the entire event. It’s worth every minute. Our team name is “Kick the Can-Cer.” If you’re ever looking for a cause and want to donate to our team, we are forever grateful. If you aren’t able to donate monetarily, remember us May 14, 2016, as we walk 12 hours and Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back.